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Heat Loss – How to keep Yourself Warm during Winter

It’s already started to get chilly outside. The air is getting cooler, leaves are dropping, and most importantly, winter is coming! But there are lots of perks to living in a cold climate, too. The most thrilling time of the year is the winter season that offers us great memories such as barbeque nights and going outside with friends and family. But in freezing temperatures, it’s become a challenge even to step outside. Although it’s difficult for some people to cope with lower temperatures than others in winters, they need warmth for their bodies inside and out. However, if you’re one of them, you can easily find ways to stay cozy indoors or outside throughout the season.

Which body parts lose more heat in winter

Many people believe that the hands and feet are the coldest body parts in winter. However, studies have revealed that these aren’t true. The hands do not lose much heat because they contain numerous blood vessels that help retain warmth. Furthermore, when your hands are out in very cold weather for too long, it reduces blood flow, causing them to feel colder. On the other hand, during exposure to extreme cold or for prolonged periods, the ears are reported to be the most vulnerable part of your body because earlobes contain many nerve endings, making them extremely sensitive to pain and discomfort. How people perceive feeling varies from individual to individual, but generally speaking, any area with many blood vessels is likely to feel colder.

Although the nose and cheeks contact external air, they do not lose much heat because many blood vessels are underneath them. The ears also contain many blood vessels, but they are unable to retain the warmth. Therefore the hands, feet, ears, and nose aren’t regarded to be the coldest body parts; instead, it is said that fingertips, toes extremities, especially the earlobes, followed by knees, ankles, and shoulders, which tend to feel coldest when exposed to very extreme weather conditions for prolonged periods.

Tips to keep yourself warm during winter

  You don’t need electricity or coal to keep warm – Multiple options require little effort on your part and can be done for free or very cheaply.

        a) Wear Appropriate Clothing – One of the most important things you can do to dress appropriately for the weather conditions. Wear various layers of clothing and make sure that each layer traps heat close to your body. Make sure to cover skin as much as possible, and wear a hat, gloves, and boots to keep your extremities warm.

        b) Get a Pet – Pets provide warmth and companionship, both of which are essential during the winter months. If you don’t have a pet, consider adopting one from a shelter. They will not just give you warmth but also be grateful for having a loving home.

        c) Stay Active – Physical activity generates heat and helps you stay warm. If you’re stuck inside during winter, try to get up and move around every hour or so. For example, take a walk outside, do some stretching exercises, or even dance around the house to keep your body temperature up.

        d) Use Heating Devices Wisely – Don’t waste energy by unused heating areas of your home. Instead, use space heaters and blankets strategically to keep yourself warm without wasting electricity.

        e) Drink Warm Beverages and Eat Warm Foods – Hot drinks and foods help generate heat from the inside out. So sip on a hot mug of tea, coffee, or soup, and enjoy warm comfort foods like stews, chili, and oatmeal.

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